Should I Ignore Rectal Bleeding?

It’s good practice to examine your stools with each bowel movement. The shape,consistency, and color of your stools, in addition to the ease of your bowel movement can be great indicators of digestive health. One common irregularity for many people concerning their bowel movements is rectal bleeding. Blood in the toilet or on the tissue paper after wiping as well as discolored stools can all be indications of rectal bleeding. While rectal bleeding can be benign in most cases, it’s not something that should be completely ignored. 

In this article:

What is Rectal Bleeding

The rectum is a roughly 8-inch portion of the large intestine that connects the colon to the anus. The rectum is where your body stores feces before it’s extracted through the anus. Rectal bleeding is the passage of blood through the rectum. 

Common Causes of Rectal Bleeding

Certain medical procedures, dietary habits, and/or trauma to the rectum could potentially result in rectal bleeding. This could include prostate biopsies, insufficient fiber intake, and anal receptive intercourse.

Rectal bleeding isn’t a disease or illness itself, but rather a symptom resulting from something else. The amount and color of blood can help determine the source of rectal bleeding and whether or not there’s any cause for concern. For example, blood that appears brighter often originates in the rectum or anus. However, reddish brown/black stools or thicker, darker blood may indicate bleeding that originates higher in the colon.

There are a number of conditions that can result in rectal bleeding. Hemorrhoids (swollen veins in the rectum and anus) are the most common cause of rectal bleeding. Other causes include

  • Polyps (small growths in the lining of the bowel and colon)

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (e.g. ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease)

  • Fissures (tears in the lining of the anus),

  • Constipation (difficulty passing regular bowel movements)

  • Proctitis (inflammation of the lining along the rectum)

  • Certain medications

  • Certain cancers

Again, most cases of rectal bleeding are benign, but it’s good to rule out any potential major issues by checking in with a doctor. At Osra Medical, our concierge doctor in San Francisco addresses all  concerns with a thorough health history exam followed by a physical evaluation if necessary. Understanding your lifestyle habits is the most practical approach in determining the cause of rectal bleeding. 

When to See a Doctor

Rectal bleeding is something that should be addressed as soon as possible. If you’re experiencing rectal bleeding without any other accompanying signs or symptoms, it’s best to schedule a doctor’s visit right away. If rectal bleeding persists for an extended period, or is accompanied by pain during defecation, night sweats, weight loss, or flu-like symptoms you should seek urgent care immediately. 

If you’re experiencing rectal bleeding, contact us for an appointment. Osra Medical is home to primary care physicians in San Francisco committed to supporting the health of Bay Area residents. Our concierge doctor provides informative, affordable, and personalized primary care. Osra Medical is also home to gay friendly doctors that specialize in men’s health, including gay and bisexual men’s health. We provide a gay friendly, fear free environment that makes it easy to discuss sensitive matters concerning your health. We’re currently accepting new patients and would love to help you today!

Nasser Mohamed