How to Tackle Anxiety in a World of Chaos

The year 2020 was a whirlwind to say the least. Probably the most unexpected event was the COVID-19 pandemic. This unprecedented virus has made the uncertainty of life more apparent for many. Likewise, this uncertainty has also given rise to anxiety for many. Occasional anxiety is usually not a cause for concern, especially when circumstances prove to be stressful.  However, when anxiety persists it can interfere with our livelihood and even our outlook on life. 

In this article:

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a word used to describe excessive and persistent worry about situations that could be deemed stressful. These situations could be family matters, political events, health status, or even financial issues. As mentioned before, anxiety is a normal, healthy emotion. However, feeling anxious on most days over a prolonged period, can lead to generalized anxiety disorder.

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Generalized anxiety disorder is characterized by feeling uncontrollably worried on most days over a six month period. People with generalized anxiety disorder tend to have a pessimistic view on matters they find most concerning. They also have difficulty handling uncertainty, making decisions, and concentrating on daily tasks. Their worry becomes all encompassing and often limits their efforts due to a fear they can neither rationalize or control.

How Can I Reduce My Anxiety?

More than anything, anxiety is a product of a narrowed focus on events and circumstances that are usually beyond one’s control. There are numerous ways to address anxiety once it’s begun. The most important thing is to find what works best for you. Below are few methods that can be used to prevent and/or reduce anxiety.

Keep a journal. Writing down how you feel can help slow down the racing thoughts that are often associated with anxiety. Taking the time to examine your thoughts may lead you to better understand why you feel anxious. Journaling can also be a relaxing daily task that may lead to improved overall mental and emotional health. 

Prioritize self-care. It’s best to take care of yourself first so that you can offer your best to the world. Self-care looks different for everyone. Going out with friends, taking a walk in the park, having dedicated mindfulness and meditation are all ways to take good care of yourself. Find something you enjoy and give yourself permission to enjoy it.

Avoid unhealthy drug use. Different substances can affect how the body is regulated in a variety of ways. One of the most apparent influences drugs can have on the body is through mood changes. If you suffer from addiction or want to quit an unhealthy drug use Osra Medical is a fear-free environment that can help. Our primary care physician understands that every person is different. Which is why we provide an individualized treatment program to each of our patients based on what they need most.

When to See a Doctor

As with any health condition, anxiety is best treated when addressed early. Persistent worry is a hallmark of anxiety, but anxiety can manifest in any number of ways. Some signs/symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Chronic pain 

  • Fatigue (persistent tiredness that doesn’t go away with rest)

  • Restlessness (difficulty relaxing)

  • Insomnia (difficulty sleeping)

  • Brain fog or an inability to focus on daily tasks 

  • Nervousness or a constant feeling of being unsettled

These are just a few examples. If you’re experiencing more urgent symptoms such as suicidal thoughts or behaviors it’s important to seek help immediately. 

Anxiety can often lead into isolation which will only worsen the condition. If you feel especially anxious, or find yourself stressed on most days, contact us for help. Osra Medical provides a gay friendly, fear free environment that makes it easy to discuss sensitive matters concerning your health. Our concierge doctor provides informative, affordable, and personalized primary care. Osra Medical is home to primary care physicians in San Francisco that specialize in gay and bisexual men’s health. We’re currently accepting new patients and would love to help you today!

Nasser Mohamed